Best fantasy book about teddy bears for young adults, children and adults. A fiction that's based on non-fiction.

About the Secret Teddy Society

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Teddy bears make the best friends

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Goodreads Book Giveaway

Secret Teddy Society by J.S. Gilmore

Secret Teddy Society

by J.S. Gilmore

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STS has entered the classroom with STS School Club. Visit the Club page to see what's going on.

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Ever since he found out that anyone or anything can have a Twitter account he can't seem to shut-up about it.

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James tweets about the next book and tries to keep an eye on Waldo through Twitter.


More nuggets of fun:
Read about how the story evolved on Jim Gilmore's Blog.

It's his personal view of writing the Secret Teddy Society.

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Discover the best teddy bear adventure story for young-adults, children and adults that ever wondered about their own teddy bear. Zombie bears and Were-bears help create one of the most original and creative stories for adults and children alike.